** New Login.gov instructions**
eVoucher will be updated to version 6.10 on 05/11/2024. This update includes a new way to sign in using Login.gov with multi-factor authentication. Moving to Login.gov is essential for security and identity verification as the next eVoucher release, version 6.11, will set up electronic payments. eVoucher version 6.11 is scheduled to be released later this year and more information will be forthcoming.
To verify your identity in Login.gov, you must provide:
State-issued ID (front and back)
Social Security Number
Phone number
Email Address
The very first time you sign in to eVoucher, you will also need your existing eVoucher email address and eVoucher password to connect Login.gov with your eVoucher account. Once that connection is made, you will sign in with Login.gov credentials and multi-factor authentication. We highly recommend setting up more than one authentication method for Login.gov.
New training materials are available:
A PDF: eVoucher with Login.gov
A video walkthrough: Signing in to eVoucher with Login.gov – https://youtu.be/vQlwGERUy_g
Please note, if you have trouble on the Login.gov screens, contact the Login.gov help at https://www.login.gov/help/. If you have trouble on the eVoucher screens, contact the eVoucher helpdesk.
CJA Information
The hourly compensation rate for work performed on or after January 1, 2024 is increased to $172.00 per hour for non-capital cases. The case compensation maximum for appeals (from felony, misdemeanor, proceeding under 18 U.S.C. § 4106A ,18 U.S.C. § 983, post-conviction proceeding under 28 U.S.C. §§ 2241, 2254 or 2255, and 28 U.S.C.§ 1875) has increased to $9,600. The case maximum for appeals of other representation is increased to $2,900. The rate for capital cases for work performed on or after January 1, 2024 is increased to $220.00 per hour.
Criminal Justice Act - Attorney Application (this form can be filled out and then printed)
Notice to Appointed Pro Bono Counsel
Standing Order on Requests for Leave to Submit Interim Vouchers in the District Court
CJA Form 23 Financial Affidavit (Request for Appointment of Counsel)
Supplemental Information Required for a CJA 23 Form
CJA 27 Form Statement for Excess Compensation Claim
eVoucher Information
- eVoucher FAQs
- CJA Compensation Rates and Information
- Guidelines for Representation and Submitting Vouchers
eVoucher Training Material: Instructions and Manuals