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Clerk's Office

The Clerk's Office for the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit is located on the 21st Floor of the United States Courthouse at 6th and Market Streets in Philadelphia. Office Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

After-hours submissions may be left for filing in the District Court's after-hours file box on the first floor of the Courthouse. There is a time-stamp device on the box. Items will be filed as of the date time-stamped.
The main switchboard number for the Clerk's office is 215-597-2995. Counsel and pro se parties to a case will receive a notice listing a case manager's telephone number to be used to obtain information about that case. Using that telephone number will speed your call. 
The mailing address for the Clerk's Office is:
Office of the Clerk
United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
21400 U.S. Courthouse
601 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-1790

 Clerk's Office Phone Directory